This Just In From Davos
So everyone knows that Davos, the annual who's who created by the World Economic Forum, is in full swing. The four-day agenda setting summit has become more controversial than ever, but we'll leave that to the great debaters across social media. What has caught our attention in terms of good vibes is an announcement made at the conference about a new group called the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. Its miss is to offer advice on water management worldwide.
Comprised of economists, scientists, community leaders and policymakers, the commission will investigate governance models to protect water resources and may consider pushing for a global price for freshwater.
The commission is poised to explore incentives for ensuring water supply. A model could actually include paying nations, such as Brazil, Indonesia or Congo to protect their rainfall-generating forests, or compensating countries for water used in growing food for export.
Definitely something to track.
For more on Davos visit: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/archive/davos-agenda-2022