5 Questions With...

 We're very happy to be partnering with NoMo SoHo on our special Tribeca Festival coverage and using the library area as a base camp from time to time to write all about the Festival. It's a great space with great people running it so we thought our final "5 Questions With..." would be a great arena for everyone to learn a bit more about the brand, and its mega force in marketing.  Meet Nicole Shapiro.

Here we go...

Lauren deLisa Coleman: What is your role at NoMo SoHo?
Nicole Shapiro: Senior Marketing & Programming Manager. I conceptualize and partner with people and brands who want to hold special events, to then produce, promote, and finally manage these events. I love it!   
LdC:  What is your background, and how do you pull from that to create success in this position? 
NS: My background is in concert and live production. A passion for music encouraged me to bring people together, provide lasting memories, and make the world a better place, going beyond just profit as a takeaway. This led me to the hospitality industry, which has even more of a focus on the guest experience. My background has allowed me to foster a great network of creatives to help produce great events for guests outside of typical hotel programming. It's also allowed me to work well with all types of people across industries and professions, from servers and housemen to clients and VIPs.  
LdC: Why do you feel your brand is aligned with creatives? 
NS: I feel my personal brand is aligned with creatives as I am a creative, surrounded by a network of creatives, and continue to work in and with creative industries. NoMo takes pride in standing at the intersection of art, music, and fashion, all creative industries, which is why they brought me on to help and further drive that mission. 
LdC: Why is it important for NYC to have events like Tribeca Festival, and how do they impact hospitality brands like yours? 
NS: TFF was created to bring people back to the best city in the world after a very difficult period, post 9/11. There was an understandable fear something like that could happen again so a lot of people fled the city and tourism dipped. All industries were affected, film and hotels included. During Tribeca Film Festival, people from all over the world come to New York City to see what it has to offer and they need somewhere to stay! I like to think events like this are meant to succeed due to their altruistic nature in promoting a creative industry and the people involved in producing such amazing content. So being able to assist in rounding out that experience and representing New York City truly is an honor.   
LdC: What's your favorite cocktail? 
NS: Please hear me out. Whiskey with coconut water! The proportions are the same as any mixed drink. It's very popular in Caribbean and I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. It tastes amazing and reminds me of home. 

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