Socially Distanced Spiked Hot Apple Cider? We're In!

  • Lauren deLisa Coleman
  • Travel

While social distancing and mask-wearing still show no signs of easing up, that doesn't mean that there still aren't a number of great places to still travel to while practices safe measures for your health and that of others!  Moby's in The Hamptons in New York has decided to run with the fact that so much is changing to actually extend their business season, and that's great news for looking for a hot new place to experience the best fall menus and views!

While Moby's would normally close around Labor Day, this year they've announced that they will be serving a special rustic fall menu straight through Thanksgiving, if not longer. Just a few items on the menu include Lobster Risotto with tomato and sunchokes or Rapini Pizza with Fresno Peppers and Parmesan. But we're also all about the drinks of the season, and here's where Moby's shines!  You can not only order a Hot Tody, Maple Old Fashioned, or Spiked Hot Apple Cider, but the restaurant has several heated, outdoor places from which to lounge while savoring your drink. 

This is about a cool mix of dining tables and lounge spaces that are simply ideal after, say, a day hitting a few vineyards on Long Island.

Sure to perk up your spirits in a flash, get all the deets at Moby's. 



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